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UK Payroll Classes

UK Payroll Classes

The following three courses are offered in cooperation with the Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals.

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UK - Introduction to Income Tax (PAYE) and National Insurance Contributions (NICs)

This training provides a solid grounding in core payroll skills for the U.K. It will give you the Pay As You Earn (PAYE) and National Insurance Contribution (NIC) skills necessary for the preparation of manual payments, correction of errors, and the understanding of systems output. Comprehensive documentation is provided, and practical exercises and discussions will be undertaken.

Course Content:
      • Calculating gross pay
      • Apportionment of gross pay
      • Legal deductions from pay
      • The payslip
      • Tax codes and tax-free pay (personal allowances)
      • Tax percentages and rates
      • P45 procedures
      • Use of tax/NIC tables
      • National Insurance percentages and rates
      • Real Time Information (RTI) reporting

Course Outline

UK - Essential Additions to Payroll Basics

Payroll is responsible for an ever-increasing range of responsibilities in the U.K. beyond the core requirement of calculating PAYE income tax and NICs accurately.

From covering in-depth the calculation of student loan deductions and court orders, this course also explores in detail the relatively new arenas of real-time information and auto-enrolment and imparts a detailed overview of processing jury service absence, voluntary deductions, voluntary payrolling of benefits, directors' NICs, processing remittances due to HMRC, and end of year reporting.

Course Content
      • Starters and leavers
      • Directors' national insurance
      • Court orders (attachments of earnings)
      • Student loans
      • Voluntary deductions
      • Overview of payrolling benefits
      • Pensions and auto enrolment
      • Jury service
      • HMRC remittances
      • Year-end reporting

Course Outline

UK - Introduction to Statutory Payments

Statutory payments in the U.K. are a common area of confusion for payroll staff. Legislation for Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP), Statutory Paternity Pay (SPP), Statutory Adoption Pay (SAP), Statutory Shared Parental Pay (ShPP), and Statutory Parental Bereavement Pay (SPBP) is frequently changing, and although Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) has remained largely unchanged for the last 20 years, misunderstandings between statutory and occupational entitlement are common.

This training concentrates on the complex rules of SMP, SPP, SAP, SSP, ShPP, SPBP, and associated leave, and contains all recent legislative changes. Clear explanations are given on qualification, entitlement, and calculation of the above statutory payments and leave. Comprehensive documentation is provided, including current statutory payments tables.

Course Content:
      • Statutory obligations
      • Statutory entitlement and qualification criteria
      • Exclusions and ceasing entitlement
      • Terminology
      • Calculating payments
      • Record keeping and statutory forms
      • Revenue audit processes and penalties for noncompliance
      • Recovery procedures and offsetting
      • Resolving disagreements on entitlement

Course Outline

2024 Pricing

$630.00 USD$630.00 USD$630.00 USD

As a courtesy, this course is offered at one price for everyone.


UK - Introduction to Income Tax (PAYE) and National Insurance Contributions (NICs)
Days: Monday & Tuesday, 4 - 5 November 2024
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. EST
UK - Essential Additions to Payroll Basics
Days: Wednesday & Thursday, 6 - 7 November 2024
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. EST
UK - Introduction to Statutory Payments
Days: Tuesday & Wednesday, 12 - 13 November 2024
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. EST

Who should Attend

Payroll administrators, coordinators, managers/directors, supervisors, and HR administrators and coordinators

Credit Information

UK - Introduction to Income Tax (PAYE) and National Insurance Contributions (NICs)
Earn 7.0 Recertification Credit Hours (RCHs), 0.70 Continuing Education Units (CEUs). This program does not qualify for CPE credit.

UK - Essential Additions to Payroll Basics
Earn 7.0 Recertification Credit Hours (RCHs), 0.70 Continuing Education Units (CEUs). This program does not qualify for CPE credit.

UK - Introduction to Statutory Payments
Earn 7.0 Recertification Credit Hours (RCHs), 0.70 Continuing Education Units (CEUs). This program does not qualify for CPE credit.

Event Policies

Please read our Event Policies regarding registration, transfers, substitutions, cancellations, refunds, Code of Conduct, Attendee Liability and Waiver of Claims, and consent to use your photograph and contact information.

Please be sure to verify your session before purchasing.
A $55 administrative fee will be assessed for each transfer/substitution.